Guide to Roof Rats in Texas: What You Need to Know

If you live in Texas, there's a good chance you've seen or heard of roof rats. Roof rats are common in areas such as Conroe and Beaumont. These pesky critters can cause a lot of damage to your home and property, and it's important to know how to identify them and deal with them accordingly. In this guide, we will teach you everything you need to know about roof rats in Texas, including how to identify them, where they live, and what steps you can take to get rid of them.
What Is A Roof Rat?
Roof rats are larger than your average rat, and they have a long tail that is usually about the same length as their body. Roof rats are about 10-18 inches long. They are brown or black in color, and they have large ears. Their slim build makes them excellent climbers and allows them to easily sneak into homes and businesses through the roof. They find ways to fit into even the smallest openings!
Are Roof Rats Dangerous?
Yes, roof rats are dangerous! While roof rats are not as aggressive as some other types of rats, they still pose major problems. They can cause damage to homes and businesses, spread diseases, and cause health complications. They can also have up to 6 litters of 8 babies which can quickly cause a large infestation.
Roof Rats and Home Destruction
Roof rats are constantly chewing and can get into things on and all around your property. They can destroy roof shingles, drywall, plumbing, furniture, electric wires, and much more. Because of this, they can cause fires and large amounts of erosion. Their chewing can cause substantial damage to attic insulation raising your electricity bill and new attic insulation will need to be purchased.
Risk of Disease From Roof Rats
Roof rats often carry parasites including fleas and ticks which can easily spread to humans and household pets. They can spread diseases like tularemia, salmonellosis, and more. Roof rats also have the ability to cause respiratory issues and allergy attacks due to the accumulation of droppings and urine.
Signs You Have Roof Rats
If you notice a potential roof rat, it’s important to act fast. Roof rats can reproduce quickly and are common culprits to further roof damage. Keeping a roof rats infestation under control can be much harder than other species due to their climbing abilities.
Common signs of a roof rat infestation include:
- Clawing or scratching noises from the attic.
- Small droppings throughout your home, especially where you store food.
- Grease trails and marks throughout your home.
- Gnaw marks on electrical wires, wood, or other furniture throughout your home.
How To Prevent Roof Rats
There are certain precautions you can take to prevent roof rats from infesting your home or yard. Tips to prevent roof rats include:
- Cover chimneys and vents with mesh covers.
- Seal all exterior trash.
- Keep food in airtight containers.
- Remove any clutter from your yard that could provide shelter for rats.
- Seal up any holes or cracks in your walls, floors, and roof.
Professional Rodent Control
If you have a problem with rodents, the best thing to do is to call a professional exterminator.
A professional rodent control company will be able to identify the type of rodent infesting your home and will have the experience and equipment necessary to get rid of them. They will also be able to give you advice on how to prevent future infestations. Rodents can be very difficult to get rid of, and they can cause a lot of damage if left unchecked.
Here at Bill Clark Pest Control, we have provided rodent control in Texas for over 65 years. Contact us Today!