Our Pest Control Blog

Have you ever wondered why certain pests behave the way they do, thought about how they’re getting inside, or wanted to know a few DIY tricks to get rid of them? If so, read on and get your questions answered

What Are Pantry Pests?

Pantry pests are different types of beetles, moths, and weevils that breed and feed inside stored products and dry goods. Pantry pests can become problematic inside homes, grocery stores, drug stores, museums, and food processing facilities.

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house with termites
How to Identify and Get Rid of Termites

The most common types of termites found living in our area of Southeast Texas are subterranean termites. As their name suggests, their colonies live in underground nests. Termites feed on things made of cellulose, preferring to feed on decaying plants, tree roots, tree stumps, fallen trees, and tree limbs.

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